Medical Coding and Billing for Midwives: Common Mistakes and When to Seek Help

Midwives are the unsung heroes in the healthcare industry, shaping a personalized, holistic experience for individuals navigating the journey of childbirth and beyond. From offering nurturing prenatal care to providing unwavering support during labor and delivery, their role encompasses far more than traditional medical assistance.

At the heart of midwifery lies a profound commitment to empowerment and choice. They champion natural birthing experiences and cultivate meaningful connections between caregivers and patients. In the world of midwifery, compassion takes precedence over clinical protocol, and every interaction is an opportunity to build trust and understanding.

Yet, amid the whirlwind of emotions and hands-on care, midwives often grapple with the challenges of administrative tasks, particularly in medical billing and coding. While experiencing the joy of welcoming new life into the world, the paperwork can easily become overwhelming, threatening to detract from their primary focus—providing exceptional care to those in need.

So, that's where the importance of hiring a medical billing and coding company such as Millenium Medical Billing comes into play. By entrusting these tasks to specialized professionals, midwives can effectively navigate administrative challenges, ensuring they remain focused on their primary mission of providing exceptional care to those in need. 

Let's take a look at how hiring a medical billing and coding company can make all the difference.

What is Medical Billing and Coding?

Medical billing and coding are often lumped together, but they’re actually two distinct practices. Medical billing is the process of ensuring that patients are charged properly for their services and that providers are compensated. 

While it might seem straightforward to some, it's anything but—unless you have the level of experience that we do. Medical billers have to research each patient, their demographics, and their insurance information. They have to verify coverage and review the patient's medical records. They also create invoices and work directly with the insurance company to facilitate payments. 

Medical coding is the process of linking medical practices with standardized codes. Every time a patient receives care, it’s notated in their records. Medical coders go through those records and attach a code to billable services according to a classification system known as Healthcare Common Procedure Coding System (HCPCS). 

Billing and Coding is More Than Just a Pile of Paperwork

Medical billing and coding are esteemed professional fields, demanding certifications and specialized training. Many practitioners in these roles choose to focus on a particular area of medicine due to the intricate nature of the healthcare system. At Millenium Medical Billing, we adhere to this principle by exclusively working within certain specialties. Whether it's cardiology, pediatrics, orthopedic surgery, or another medical discipline, our team immerses themselves in each field to better serve our clients.

It’s often said that billing and coding for midwives can require just as much training as learning to deliver a child. That might not actually be the case. Perhaps it’s an exaggerated metaphor meant to describe just how daunting a task billing and coding can be. It is best left to the professionals. There are many pitfalls within the system, and there are plenty of ways to optimize profits that midwives might not be aware of. 

Missed Charges and a Lack of Proper Reimbursement

In the world of midwifery–and the medical community as a whole–billing and coding errors are the norm. There are many different types of errors that you can make. But the most common are missed charges.

Missed charges occur when providers fail to properly report a specific type of service or an expense involved in dispensing care. This could keep a midwife from receiving their due compensation, and it could mean that they’re not in compliance with health regulations. Let’s take a look at a few of the most common examples below. 

Home Visits

Many midwives offer both home and office visits. When they do, they often forget to bill the two separately. It’s important to use appropriate place-of-service (POS) codes for home visits to ensure compliance. 

Ultrasounds and Diagnostics

There is a lot of confusion when it comes to coding ultrasounds, genetic testing, or other diagnostic tests. Midwives have to take extra caution when recording these services. 

Telehealth Services

Telehealth is an increasingly popular medium in the world of midwifery. It’s convenient for both patients and providers, but many midwives forget to ensure that these visits receive the proper coding.

Supplies and Equipment

Supplies and equipment are often neglected when it comes to coding. This could accrue unnecessary costs. 

This list could be a thousand times longer, and it wouldn’t even begin to encompass the many things that midwives have to account for in their practices, and that’s not the worst of it. As their business grows, so does the workload. At a certain point, it becomes impossible for one person to manage everything. 

Find Medical Billing and Coding Specialists You Can Trust

Are you bogged down by paperwork? Are you worried about making a mistake, or are you just not sure where to start?

If you answered ‘yes’ to any of these questions, then it’s time to reach out for support. 

Be a midwife. Provide expecting mothers with the care and compassion they deserve, and let Millenium Medical Billing handle the rest. Contact us online or call us today at 718-356-1337 to inquire about our services.